
Monday, July 30, 2012

Klout score: What is it? And how does it relate to monsters?

Klout. What the heck is KLOUT? You may be seeing that term/ website all over the place of late.
Klout is a website that uses analytics and algorithms to calculate how influential you are on social media, like Twitter and Facebook. The scoring system is 1-100. YouTube has a score of 100. Barack Obama has a score of 98. Topics of influence can be created by the user and by people he/she influences. So say, you are a super awesome World Of Warcraft expert. Add that to you topics list and people can give you points (called Klout +) and little by little your Klout score rises.
SO what's the big deal about that? We have read that some employers are checking Klout scores before an interview. Odd, yes maybe at this point. But not in a year or so. Check it out and see what your score is.
Pops The Clown Has Klout. Or Klown. 
It's more of a social media game at this point. But who knows how important this will be in the future. 
So how does this relate to Halloween, monsters, foam latex appliances and general scary stuff? Well, the more influential we are online, the more people like you will be able to find us. And don't we want more scary clowns running around? We do.
Ciao For Now, Our monster army..
The Scream Team | Hollywood Quality Foam Latex Appliances
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Monday, July 23, 2012

Goin' to see an exorcist? Us too! Hollywood makeup, fear, faith and demons

A few of us are going to see the Broadway bound play, The Exorcist soon, here in L.A.. This brings up the topic of fear, religion, possession, faith and redemption. Some of us here at The Scream Team grew up reading  Peter Blatty's book  back in the day. That, coupled with Dick Smith's amazing makeup on Linda Blair,  we think The Exorcist is still very scary. Yes, there's bloodier and gorier scare flicks, but the Exorcist frightens on a primal and intelligent level. (At least to us!)

Nefarious Foam Latex Appliance | The Scream Team | Demon
Nefarious Foam Latex Appliance |The Scream Team
Many believe religion is based on fear: fearing God, devils, punishment. We won't go into that in our little special effects makeup blog, but suffice it to say, your background can play a big part in what you fear and don't fear. 

We will let you know how the play production fares. Maybe we should go to see in in full foam latex makeup! (We will show them what scary is!) 

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Ron Perlman dons Hellboy makeup for Make-A-Wish Kid

Ron Perlman has always been a favorite of The Scream Team. His extensive talent in being able to act in full prosthetic makeup is legendary. He just "gets it". Well, today we wanted to share a news story about Ron that we just LOVED:

He donned his Hellboy makeup once again, not for film, not for a swanky Hollywood event, but for a little boy from Make-A-Wish Foundation who wanted to hang out with Hellboy and become Hellboy himself. Ron Perlman and his makeup team made this happen. Amazing. Mr. Perlman, you are our hero as well!
Ron Perlman and his fan

Happy Haunting!

The Scream Team
Twitter: https:/
Instagram: @screamteam

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

So Whaddya Wanna Know? Give us COOL Topics, Kids!

Hey All You Collective Cacophony Of Creative Creepiness! We want to know what your ideas on topics for our blogs, articles, etc. Funny, Halloweeny, Makeup...Anything that you think you want to read about. Best 10 ideas get a prize from us! Share this on your FB page and RT it, tweeters. Thanks!

Happy Haunting!

The Scream Team
Twitter: @screamteamsfx

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Scream Team's "Freedom From Shipping and Handling" Sale! Foam Latex Sale

ONE DAY ONLY! Free shipping and handling for all U.S. Orders ordering a facial foam latex appliance. Freedom from the tyranny of postal FEES! (Okay. that's a bit strong..) Use CODE: JULY4
Share the love.. Retweet, Digg, Blog and Facebook US and our sale... Get it going, kids.

Thanks, Happy Haunters!
The Scream Team

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Stupid things people do when they are scared

Being in the makeup effects industry we can say we have almost "seen in all", when it comes to the way the public reacts to being scared. Some people do the craziest things when they are genuinely frightened. We have witnessed screaming, crying, punching and other acts of violence, urination, defecation, going into labor, freezing motionless on the spot, histrionics, uncontrollable shaking, and much more.
The violent and angry reactions, like punching are of course, the hardest to take. There is nothing stronger than a pumped up 14 girl with an adrenaline kick from being scared of your character, beware! LOL!

So if you are in the scare industry, and are new to it.. Please note, some peoples first reaction is to lash out. Understand this and perform safely out of range if you can.

What is the funniest/weirdest reaction you have ever gotten while wearing a foam latex appliance, like ours?

Post here  and let us know. We love to hear the Halloween haunted industry stories...

Happy Haunting!
The Scream Team